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sprouting vegetables中文

用"sprouting vegetables"造句"sprouting vegetables" in a sentence"sprouting vegetables"怎麼讀


  • 芽類蔬菜


  • During its flight , the satellite sent back high - definition digital images of sprouting vegetables , according to the institute of plant physiology and ecology with the shanghai institute for biological sciences under the chinese academy of
    據中科院上海生命科學植物生理生態研究所介紹, "實踐八號"在飛行過程中傳回了一系列高清晰的青菜太空發芽的照片。
  • During its flight , the satellite sent back high - definitiondigitalimages of sprouting vegetables , according to the instituteof plantphysiology and ecology with the shanghai institute forbiologicalsciences under the chinese academy of sciences
  • During its flight , the satellite sent back high - definition digital images of sprouting vegetables , according to the institute of plant physiology & ecology with the shanghai institute for biological sciences under the chinese academy of sciences
    據中科院上海生命科學植物生理生態研究所介紹, "實踐八號"在飛行過程中傳回了一系列高清晰的青菜太空發芽的照片。
  • During its flight , the satellite sent back high - definition digital images of sprouting vegetables , according to the institute of plant physiology and ecology with the shanghai institute for biological sciences under the chinese academy of sciences
    據中科院上海生命科學植物生理生態研究所介紹, "實踐八號"在飛行過程中傳回了一系列高清晰的青菜太空發芽的照片。
用"sprouting vegetables"造句  
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